Lead on Purpose

Promoting Leadership Principles in Product Management


An Effective Leader Leads by Influence, not Authority

Guest Post by Ken Sandy

The earliest mistakes you make in your career are often the most memorable and where you learn the most. In one of my first product management roles, I was delighted when a C-level executive tasked me to lead an important and urgent project and assemble a team for it.

I called a meeting together with people from the marketing, engineering, and design teams. I gave what I thought was a rousing speech, in which I asked that they drop whatever they were doing and commit themselves to this new project — it was of great importance to the c-suite, so it should be our top priority.

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How do you master your conversations?

Words matter. In many situations, especially when it comes to leadership, what we say, and how we say it, determines our success.

Situations arise where emotions run high and the choices we make have significant outcomes. The pressure is high, how we react makes all the difference.  These situations are referred to as crucial conversations.

Crucial Conversations Continue reading