Lead on Purpose

Promoting Leadership Principles in Product Management


Leadership traits

Who are the leaders you look up to? What are their traits? How do they do business? Who are their role models? What are their goals, priorities and key motivations? What do they do that makes you believe in them and want to follow them?

The following infographic profiles the leadership traits of three unquestionably successful CEOs. You may or may not like them, what they stand for or their styles of doing business, but their success merits a close look at their leadership traits:

(Infographic provided by Phoenix Training and Development)

Lead On Purpose does not specifically endorse any of the CEOs profiled above

The Product Management Perspective: Many of the CEOs in business today spent time in the ranks of product management. It’s a great learning ground for becoming an executive. Who are the CEOs you most value? Which of their traits are you trying to pattern your work after? I’d love to get your feedback; please leave a comment.