Lead on Purpose

Promoting Leadership Principles in Product Management

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Building effective communication channels

The word ‘channel’ has various and differing meanings. I grew up on a ranch, and we had to get water to the grass and to the cattle. My dad and grandpa built ditches and canals to channel the water to specific places for specific uses. We had three TV channels that brought news and content into our lives from the outside world. There were cables and wires to channel electricity, in the right amount, to lights, appliances and other devices.

channel Continue reading


6 Ways to Choose the Best Employees

Guest post by Jon Spivey

The best employees help your company to thrive and achieve its greatest potential. So to reach your potential, you must put effort into finding and choosing the best employees for your company. Consider these six tips.

Look Outside Traditional Channels

If you place a job ad, you can expect to quickly receive hundreds of resumes. Most applicants won’t have the skills and abilities you’re seeking. Career fairs can be helpful, but there’s no guarantee that there’s enough talent to choose from. Continue reading