Lead on Purpose

Promoting Leadership Principles in Product Management

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5 Tips To Re-Engage and Retain Valuable Employees

Guest post by Brett Farmiloe

The two-year itch. You know what I’m talking about. It’s the feeling you get after being at a job for a couple of years. You start looking around, and the little voice in your head says, “Do we need to make a change?.”

While that little voice can be great for your own personal growth, it’s not what you as the employer want. An experienced, tenured, employee is very valuable, and you would prefer not to replace them and have to reinvest in training another. This is not a purely American problem either, more than 50% of all organizations globally struggle with retaining their most valuable employees.

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Choosing a team structure to achieve top efficiency

Whether you are a small startup or an international corporation, HR management and organization presents an equally important matter. Choosing a proper team structure for your hierarchy and management isn’t as simple as it seems.

There are numerous factors to consider from your own number of employees and managers to the amount of projects and clients you are tackling. Without getting into the details of HR management, let’s take a look at some of the most popular and widely-known solutions for team structure and management.

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3 Ways To Stop Sleep Walking Through Your Leadership Legacy

Guest article by Glain Roberts-McCabe

“She was completely whole and yet never fully complete” ―Maquita Donyel Irvin

One day, I was having lunch with John, a successful CEO of a national retailer. Like most executives in highly pressured sectors, John feels like he spends most of his time firefighting.

John, who’s arguably one of the most optimistic people I know, was understandably tired.

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Product manager or product maker?

Titles have a way of morphing over time. In some cases, they improve and become more popular. At times, because of the acts of certain, often high-profile, individuals, titles can lose value.

When you think about the title ‘product manager’ how does it make you feel? Does it still hold the value it had when you first started learning about it? What about when you took your first job as a product manager—do you feel the same today as you did in those first days and weeks?

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Why the Future is up to Us

We live in a fast-paced world where technology changes our lives daily. For some it’s invigorating. For others it’s intimidating if not terrifying. With news about AI (artificial intelligence) getting smarter and more accurate, self-driving cars and trucks becoming more reliable, and neural networks communicating directly with people’s brains, it’s easy to see how people are getting nervous.

That change is coming is inevitable. What we do with it and how we handle it will determine our future.

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Developing Your Team Purpose

Guest post by John Izzo, PhD and Jeff Vanderwielen PhD

Today’s product managers wear many hats and are required to be motivators, counsellors, mentors, and enforcers. It’s difficult to balance competing job priorities and some leaders do a great job of truly engaging with their teams. And many others, despite their best efforts, manage to motivate the top performers but can’t seem to get the whole team rowing in the same direction. We found that to create a common goal, it’s vital to ramp up your purpose as an organization. Here, we will share from our book The Purpose Revolution: How Leaders Create Engagement and Competitive Advantage in an Age of Social Good  how to develop and polish your team purpose statement.

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Are you a leader or a manager?

Business owners and entrepreneurs are often asked this leader vs. manager question regarding their management style. For many, these two words are synonymous; both are important for motivating people to work towards a common goal. Each is different, yet both roles have their place in a well-functioning organization.

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How motivated leaders leave a legacy

The most successful companies have motivated leaders that inspire motivation at all levels of the organization. They are motivated for a real purpose, not just for money or other short-term rewards.

Is it possible to create an environment where great work just happens, and everyone is motivated?

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The Link Between Sleep and Effective Leadership

Guest post by Jenn Clark

A survey revealed that out of 180 business leaders, four out of 10 do not get enough sleep at least four nights a week. If you catch yourself yawning at your desk or nodding off during meetings, you know how hard it can be to get work done when you can barely keep your eyes open. Not only does a lack of sleep cause us to feel sluggish, but it can also affect our work performance, even undermining important forms of leadership.

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Learn and apply these leadership traits in an afternoon

When you think about the leaders you respect and admire, you see qualities that make them great. This can be inspiring or disheartening, depending on your current state of mind.

Most great leaders rose to prominence over time by doing small things, consistently, with the drive to win. How can you adopt some of their key skills?

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